Importance Of Agriculture As Career Stream For Millenials

“Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful and most noble employment of man” – George Washington said centuries ago by the American President but till today, there’s nothing truer than this quote. Being the mainstay of villages and with almost the entire economy being sustained by it, Agriculture is indeed the backbone of an economy.

However, the results of a latest study were quite disappointing wherein a career in the agriculture industry seems to be unappealing for the millennial generation in India. A survey conducted by job portal ‘Indeed’ noted that during the 2017 calendar year, there was a 25 per cent drop in the average number of agriculture-related job searches per week, which is not a healthy sign.

This dearth of fresh graduates, newcomers, interns, and entrepreneurs is incongruous with the government’s ambitious goal of doubling farm income by 2022. The absence of entrepreneurial spirit in the sector, poor awareness about the scope, and lack of job security are some of the main factors that hindered the entry of students and entrepreneurs in this sector. 

In reality, agriculture and its practices are no longer the same as they were a decade ago and have moved ahead in all respects. The agricultural practices have not only become mechanized but are also turning out to be knowledge and technology-based. It is the age of smart and effective agricultural practices.

But, unfortunately, gaining expertise in modern agriculture is not an easy task for many of our rural farmers. To harness the full potential of the sector and bridge the gap, there is a dire need of minds enriched with the knowledge and interest in agriculture, natural and social sciences, economics, engineering and management (particularly natural resources management and business management).

The Millennials have grown up with technology and they can use it with much ease. This next generation of innovative and tech-savvy farmers will not only provide growth and opportunities but will also ensure a healthy and prosperous future of agriculture.

It is a shame that in the day and age of technology, we still associate a career in agriculture as simply farming. However, farming is just a corner-stone of the agriculture industry. There are a lot of diverse disciplines in agriculture. Some of the career options within Agricultural Science & Technology are Agricultural Science, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Consulting & Data Science, Plant Biology, Food Science & Technology, Plant Biotechnology (Plant Genetics & Plant Biochemistry), Horticulture, Dairy Farming, Dairy Science, Technology & Management, Agricultural Entomology, Forestry & Wild Life, Soil Science, Soil Ecology, Environmental Science & Ecology, Environmental Toxicology, Rural Management, Greenhouse & Landscape Management, Pesticide & Chemical Research, Veterinary Science, Animal Nutrition, Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Inspection & Quality Assurance, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Business Management, Agricultural Finance & Accounting, Agricultural Sales, Marketing & Merchandising, Retail, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Education & Social Services, Academic Research & Teaching, etc.

It is believed that an inclination to build a career in the agriculture industry is rooted the first time we study soil and plants in geography and science for the first time in school. In a stockade of four walls, one cannot learn about nature. Agricultural Education is much more than just teaching the basics of seed production and going out in the fields. It is teaching pupils and making them understand that agriculture is not just farming; it's a sustainable way of life. Thus, schools should incorporate nature walks as a part of the curriculum to enable urban youth to interact and connect with nature.

With emerging state-of-the-art courses, one can look forward to well-equipped professionals in the field. Just like the 'Green Revolution' revolutionized the agriculture, leading to a sustained and continuous increase in agricultural productivity; India needs a similar revolution to ensure a sustained inflow of millennial minds into the agriculture industry.


Dr K P Singh

Guest Author The author is Vice-Chancellor of CCSHAU (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University)

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