GITAM Launches Andhra Pradesh’s First Technology Enabling Centre

Following a grant of Rs 3.28 crores from the Department of Science and Technology (Ministry of Science and Technology, GoI) GITAM has launched DST GITAM Technology Enabling Centre (G-TEC) the first-ever such centre set up in Andhra Pradesh, at its Visakhapatnam campus.  

The project is a conscious effort to bridge the industry-academia gap and to provide an enabling ecosystem for faculty innovators and MSMEs in the southern state.  

G-TEC will focus on identifying new-age technologies and making them available in the market; market assessment of technologies required for industries in Andhra Pradesh; and refining technologies by networking with various Technology Development Labs. GITAM has engaged third party organisations to conduct market research — in disciplinary function units of Life Sciences, Engineering and Physical Sciences — to identify challenges faced from a business perspective and potential solutions to solve them. In parallel, G-TEC teams would assess technologies being developed by colleges and universities.  

G-TEC will also provide advisory services including assistance with research, connecting research expertise with industry partners and capacity building programs for an efficient workforce.  

“Notably, India's current position at 40th in the global innovation ranking, accompanied by a GERD of only 0.7 per cent of its GDP, highlights the pressing need for transformative action. Developed nations, in contrast, allocate over 2 per cent of their GDP towards Research & Development, a benchmark that India must strive to attain in order to fuel its projected USD 5 billion economy,” said Som Bhatt, COO, G-TEC and Deputy Director - Collaborations and Consultancy, GITAM Deemed

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