Articles for Higher Education

Study In Canada Made Easier

Is the new Visa system introduced in Canada for Asian markets really speedy for Indians?

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Career In Hospitality And Tourism Is Boundless

Nigel Viegas, Executive Director, Bahrain Institute of Hospitality and Retail [BIHR] speaks to BW Education in an exclusive email interview.

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IIT And IIM Graduates Earning Way More Than Their Peers, Studies Confirmed

Responses collected from 114 engineering colleges across India during the first six months of 2018 India’s elite engineering colleges are worth priceless. Graduates of the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) receive an average salary offer of Rs 11.1 lakh per annum, which is $16,000 and nearly 140% higher than the Rs 4.7 lakh that basic-level engineers make in the country, said a research by Mettl, an online assessments platform .

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Top 5 Employability Trends That Students Need

Today, in the employment scenario, the demand for skills and capabilities prevails over basic qualification. Employers are focusing more and more on the skilled workforce and hence students should also focus on learning courses that are a combination of both in - school learning as well as on – ground training as this will help them get jobs. To further augment this trend, educational institutions have been partnering with industry bodies and corporates in order to re-align their learning ecosystem and produce a job-ready workforce.

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Two Additional Seats Per Course Sanctioned In Colleges For Transgender Students In Kerala

Kerala government's Higher Education Department has sanctioned two additional seats for admission of transgender students in all courses in universities and affiliated arts and science colleges in the state.

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HECI Needs To Adopt A Different Approach To Revolutionize The Education Eco-System

As per the proposed Act, HECI will not have any funding powers but is expected to focus on Academics standards and related matters. It is not defined by where the funding powers will lie. Leaving them with a set of people instead of a central institution will not be the right thing and may lead to larger problems for many institutions.

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Things To Consider While Choosing A College To Study Medicine Abroad

Whether you are studying medicine in India or outside, medical education is expensive. A student can spend anything between 35 and 80 lakhs INR on quality education based on the location, the facilities offered and the rotations available. So, keep these factors in mind before selecting a college outside.

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Challenges And Potential Solutions For EdTech Firms In India

With high sociological as well as economic disparity, India can find EdTech particularly helpful in taking quality education to every town and village. With high-speed internet and smartphones no longer a luxury and a vast population to be catered to at every level, India presents the great opportunity for EdTech.

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