Security Concerns With Remote Teaching: Challenges & Solutions

With no signs of educational institutions opening for a couple of more months in the wake of the COVID-19 lockdown, online education has become the new normal. As we are witnessing the shift from a traditional form of learning to innovative learning, it looks like technology has changed the educational landscape for the better? 

While some progressive educational institutions had already made the shift to e-learning, most schools and colleges, especially in remote villages and those run by the government, are facing myriad problems in offering online classes as both the teachers as well as the students are not tech-savvy. 

How to overcome security concerns with remote teaching 

Using online classrooms comes with its problems, what with hackers lurking in the dark to compromise the security of the software and tools used in online teaching via web/mobile-based apps.  

While some elite institutions and universities across the country have robust, secure technology in place for their virtual classrooms, others are grappling to find secure solutions for conducting remote teaching. Even as the crisis brings about a set of challenges, it also brings with it a whole new set of opportunities for innovation. 

EdTech companies developing online teaching software must focus on offering everything that is mission-critical for the academic fraternity from the perspective of online education delivery. They must come up with cutting-edge technologies, offering customized software and Apps which are fully hosted in the cloud environment and also on-premise. Offering it as Software as a Service solution does not require expensive hardware/software to run the system.  

Addressing data privacy during remote learning is one of the main concerns for educational institutions. They must keep privacy regulations on top of their mind while teaching virtually. Remember, hackers, are always on the prowl and malware catch you unawares. 

Though most hosted cloud-based conferencing services have advanced security measures, one must be aware of the security and privacy risks while using them. 

How to ensure data privacy while teaching online? 

Educational institutions must invest in a robust IT team in the first place.  

No doubt securing the data is a big challenge for heads of schools and colleges, but the onus lies on them to teach the basics of online security best practices for both students and teachers so that they effectively safeguard their online data. 

EdTech companies can go a step ahead in developing cybersecurity as part of the e-learning orientation process for teachers as well as students.  

Educating both parents and students about secure connections is the first important step in overcoming the challenges of online security. Cybercriminals are looking to steal confidential information from unsuspecting users. 

From teaching material to coursework, everything is stored online or in the cloud. Cybersecurity becomes a high priority here. 

To prevent security breaches, passcodes should be enabled for students to access remote teaching. Choosing a good video conferencing solution which allows you to use on-premise products with end-to-end encryptions and creating unique, hack-proof URL sessions go a long way in safeguarding the content. 

Have clear security guidelines in place so that the remote learning process becomes more engaging and effective for both teachers as well as students.  


Manoj Shah

Guest Author The author is Director Vu2Vu India

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