Save Higher Education From Disruption

"If you only do what you have done in the past, you will wake up one day to find that you have been passed away" - Clayton Christensen*

Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen says that half of American Colleges and universities are bound for bankruptcy in the next decade because of their inability to change. He is the world's leading management thinker and one of the best known management gurus in the world.

InnovatioNext Provides Centres, Programs and Solutions to save Universities from Disruption

InnovatioNext has emerged as world’s leading consulting firm, which specializes in setting up Industry 4.0 centres and Corporate Innovation Accelerators with cutting edge technologies and leading-edge programs to develop future ready professionals for the 4th Industrial revolution. We have set up 15 Industry 4.0 Centres in some of the most dynamic universities in India including TERI, Kirloskar Institute, Thapar University, ITM, JNEC, MGM, Atharva, ASM Group. Don Bosco, AIMS, VIT and Lovely Professional University with excellent results. More centres are coming up in Australia, South Africa, Spain and Botswana. We have also set up Corporate Innovation Accelerators and conducted programs in some of the top conglomerates like Tata Group, Aditya Vikram Birla Group and Fortune 500 companies. As we set up these centres, we connect all these centres with each other for business / innovation exchange.  Lovely Professional University has created 15 patents within just 3 months of setting up our centre on a pilot of 250 students.

Our Strategic Partners to Scale up Innovations

In future we will be connecting the centres with NASSCOM to scale up and commercialize the patents coming up from various universities. We have partnered with HDFC to scale up Fin-tech Innovations. We have entered into a strategic collaboration with GIZ ( German Innovation Agency supporting Indian Govt to boost Innovation in India) to convert our industry 4.0 centres in the universities into hubs of MSME Innovation Development Centres. 

We save the universities from DISRUPTION and make them FUTURE READY in following 10 ways: 

1. Industry 4.0 is the Next Billion Dollar Industry: Industry 4.0 ( AI, Robotics, IOT, IIOT, Data, Sensors, Cloud, mobility, digitization and emergent technologies) will dominate the next industrial revolution. It is a billion-dollar industry as the world moves towards smart products, smart solutions, smart factories, smart cities and smart nations. The products and solutions will be based in synthesis of emergent technologies. Our centres develop industry 4.0 ready future professionals for industries. 

2. Rise of Artificial Intelligence will result in higher Loss of Jobs: Artificial intelligence will take away lot of conventional jobs. Conventional jobs based on based logical thinking are being replaced by computer algorithms and AI. Our programs develop new age mind-sets to save the students from becoming victims of AI. 

3. Threat from Technology Leaders: Programs from Google, Amazon, Harvard, Stanford and host of online education players is disrupting the conventional education system in a big way. This has already reduced the number of admissions in the universities. Our programs and courses help in transforming universities into a hunting ground of talent and ideas. 

4. Conventional Education System is a Passé: Universities with conventional education system are closing down at a rapid pace. Conventional education system based on memorizing skills and degrees are not creating employment opportunities with organizations who are struggling for growth. Our industry growth programs develop professionals who help industry in fast tracking their growth. 

5. Intrapreneurship Is the Next Global Trend: Intrapreneurship is on the rise globally. Top companies are no more interested in merely I.Q and diligence. They want students with Passion, Creativity, Problem solving skills and new ideas. Our centre of Intrapreneurship help in developing new age intrapreneurs to create market leadership and high growth for the organizations. 

6. Creative Thought Leaders Needed for Imagination Age. The world has moved on to the imagination age where science fiction is the new science reality. The new world is not merely about the perfection of the known. It is about imperfectly seizing the unknown. Our centre of creative thought leadership help in creating new application of emerging technologies. 

7. Trans-Disciplinary Pedagogy: The new age requires higher education to shift to trans-disciplinary mode of education instead of disciplinary approaches. The fragmented education system of Arts, Science, Commerce and Business can never create successful start-ups. Instead there is a need for the professionals to have working knowledge of all the domains for becoming successful in the conceptual age.  Our pedagogy is completely based on trans-disciplinary mode of learning.

8. Industry-Academia Co-Innovation: The present systems of silo-based innovation at corporates and universities has to be immediately changed to collaborative mode of education where the industry and academia must come together for co-innovation. The new mantra for growth is collaboration. Our i360 industry 4.0 centers work collaboratively with all the stakeholders of Innovation for effective outcomes. 

9. We convert your existing computer labs into Industry 4.0 Innovation labs: There is no need for any capital expenditure on space, computers, furniture & fittings. We simply convert your existing computer labs into Industry 4.0 Innovation Centers. We install our cutting-edge tools like Technology App 4.0, 3D Idea Generators, Industry 4.0 Mind Maps, Innovation Assessment Software, Breakthrough Innovation development tools, rich self-learning knowledge bank and course materials  to develop future ready industry 4.0 professionals. Moreover, our tools are based on latest trends of gamification technologies where the students have fun while generating breakthrough innovations. 

10. We Create New job opportunities in Innovation Space:  While AI will take away lot of conventional jobs, our centres help in developing new age creative talent, innovation managers, intrapreneurs, innovation trainers and consultants, Innovation auditors, Technopreneurs, Betapreneurs, Innopreneurs and entrepreneurs who help the large organizations in creating breakthrough products, game-changer business models and exponential growth. The jobs in global consulting companies in the innovation space is on the rise all over the world. World over the organizations are moving to innovation for growth with rise in innovation projects in all business functions. There will be a huge demand for the innovatioNext professionals in the future as companies focus more and more on passions, talent and ideas. 

Disruption Is Happening Faster Than Ever Before As Technology Age Takes Over

Conventional universities who have not changed to the fast changing conceptual world are closing down all over the world at a faster rate. The system of mass making of Engineers and MBAs has already resulted in closure of hundreds of institutes in India. Existing institutes are struggling to get the new admissions which is on a constant decline over the past few years as conventional qualification is failing to create new employment opportunities. Unemployment is on the rise and only 36% MBAs are employable. More than 50% of the engineers are unemployed according to latest figures. The status-quo will result into faster disruption. Forewarned is forearmed. CHANGE FAST or PERISH. 


Pravin Rajpal

Guest Author Pravin Rajpal is the founder of InnovatioNext and World Innovation Network (WIN) Pvt. Ltd. He is the Innovation Coach to Fortune 500 cos and thought leader of the Global Innovation Movement.

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