Last Minute Study Hacks

Those who’ve neglected their textbooks for the entire academic year will discover that exam time can be a nightmare. Board exams are right around the corner, and many people reading this are cramming for exams.

When facing such intense pressure, students have to realize that studying for 12 hours a day is not healthy and they can rarely if ever, adapt themselves to doing this. Those who struggle soaking up boring information from a textbook, should know there is another way to make learning interesting; by using 3D and VR! If you want to do well in your exams, and of course you do, the best way is by studying hard. However, there are other things that you should keep in mind during last minute preparations for your exams. These are described below. 

Set a priorities list

So, it's the week leading up to exams and there's a lot to study and you are confused as to where you should start. There is a simple solution - make a list of what you need to do first. Doing so will help you organize your thoughts and make your goal a lot clearer.

Plus, it feels good to tick off a job on your list once you've completed it. Remember that having too many priorities on your list can actually dishearten you. Break down your list of priorities and do tiny chunks of the work. After making a to-do list, figure out what's crucial to learn and what isn't. After you've differentiated between the two, work systematically towards your goal of doing well in your exams. 

Self Assessment

Before making a plan for the last two months, it's very important to know what you have covered, what is left, and what you find difficult so you can work towards learning efficiently. Take a notebook, begin writing all the topics according to the subject and note down what topic you confidently know and what topic you only need to revise. After doing this, you'll have a clear blueprint of what you need to cover next.

Think Positive

Some students underestimate the power of positive energy. If you are thinking negative thoughts such as, "What's the point? I'm likely to fail in my exams" then you’ll kill your motivation and won’t be able to do what’s needed and likely have difficulty remembering your notes during your exam. Have positive thoughts and visualise how you're going to celebrate after your exams end. These positive thoughts will get you through hours of slogging.

Skip the Text Book

Reading your textbook at the last moment is not going to help you do well on your exam. It’s March already, you have limited time and wasting it browsing through pages and pages attempting to search for what’s necessary is counterproductive. Instead, revise your class notes and the lecture slides prepared by your teacher and also use Virtual Reality or 3D because it will cocoon you in subjects you want to learn. Using VR, you will be able to immerse yourself in the topic that you are studying. This way you won’t need to memorise because learning will appear like a fun expedition wherein you can interact with the topics that you are studying. 3D and Virtual Reality helps students learn complicated concepts by making the knowledge intuitive. It provides hands-on realisation which engages students and allows them to grasp complex ideas. 

With exams so close, your goal should be to intake short bursts of information that can be quickly remembered — memorizing entire chapter isn’t worthwhile at this stage.  

Take Breaks

Once you revise thoroughly, take extended breaks. For example, you should do some exercise or go for a long walk with a friend. The purpose of this is to distract yourself from your work, and to provide some physical stimulation so that you can sleep well.

This is crucial because it allows your brain time to process what you’ve learned. When you take a long break, you will think about other things and your brain can quietly organize what you've studied in the background. This will help you recall what you've learned better during your exams.

Avoid Stress

It is also a good idea to avoid talking about stressful things. By all means go to the library, especially if that has been your usual place to study, but avoid sitting around talking about how stressed you are or how little you know amidst friends. It will not help. 


Srishti Mittal

Guest Author Srishti Mittal is the founder of Impactall.

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