Effective Ways To Mitigate Stress Among Millennials Amidst COVID-19

Ever want to know what makes Millennials different. First positive attributes: 

  • OPEN-MINDED: They were born into the era of mass communication which makes their gen more open-minded. They champion causes that are important to them. 

  • VOICE: They have a voice. They have redefined marketing via social networking. For example, they can easily rebuke a corporation or reward a small business by even paying more if it matches with their value system. 

  • VALUES: They have values in that they would even go as far as working for a company with shared values ethically than have a bigger package.   

What are some arguments the gen?  

  • SOCIAL PROBLEMS: Plugged in all the time has it’s share of drawbacks as well. There are things specific for online like the language and disinhibition. In social situations, those aren’t always ideal.  

  • HIERARCHY SYSTEM OUTDATED: They have stated they prefer a flat management structure or even a computer spreadsheet to keep track of their progress rather than reporting to middle management.  

  • FAST RESULTS: They expect fast results and are impatient if results take longer to see.  There is certain instant gratification that is expected for the generation.   

Depression and anxiety are two of the most commonly seen mental health disorders among millennials. Factors associated with rising rates of mental health disorders among this generation are: 

  • Stress and burnout at work have also contributed to mental health issues. Increase transparency and work expectations during WFH has lead to more disdain for the corporate structure. This coupled with lack of validation, ultimately we are seeing millennials quitting to mental strain.  

  • Financial Stress and Loneliness due to the abovementioned reasons.  


Corporations/Employers need to be mindful and have mental health awareness campaigns and policies and further understand how it affects productivity. What we can do as individuals to prevent this from happening is to do the 5 Ways of Wellness daily.   

  1. Be Active - ROUTINE. Try to keep the same routine 6/7 days which should include time for 5W’s. Do minimum 30 min. of cardio per day.  This could include just running up and down stairs or even jumping jacks. Even better if you can do this outside in open air safely. Sunlight and physical activity increases serotonin and endorphins which decrease cortisol our stress hormone.  

  1. Be Aware - Every day we must allow ourselves time to relax our feelings. By doing diaphragmatic deep breathing exercises.  Simply, a huge intake of air in through nostrils for 3 sec with full expansion of chest and protuberance of the belly; followed by blowing the same air out through the mouth for 3 seconds. You can do this with your eyes closed or focusing on a beautiful object just looking at it. By this I mean it should be the only thing in focus.  The deep breathing relaxes by stimulating the parasympathetic plexus which in turn brings about homeostasis to stress in the body.   

  1. Keep Learning - please take time for yourself to learn new things and keep your brain active. No matter what it is now is the time to learn it. Get YouTube DIY’s ready! 

  1. Connect - Every day connect with three other people outside your home. This is either by video chat or phone. Texting does not count! If you cannot then have deeper conversations with loved ones at home to really know them. Asking what’s for dinner?- does not count! 

  1. Give - Say thank you for the things you are receiving whether big or small by whomever.  This uplifts others which in turn uplifts you. Embrace the uncertainties and focus on positive things. Give yourself affirmations which in turn you can teach to your loved ones.  

Do not hesitate to seek professional help if needed. Everything is online.   


Dr. Ranjan Ghosh

Guest Author MD psychiatrist, Popcorn Furniture

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