Do Management Institutes Need To Innovate And Update Curriculum To Enhance The Education System?

Globalisation coupled with the massive emergence of technology in all walks of life, particularly the sphere of education, calls for learning that is engaging and impactful in a way that hasn’t been explored before. 

Business schools in India and all over the world are seeking methods of innovation they can bring into the classroom to empower the holistic development and growth of students.

Technological innovations are changing the way companies work, so educators and education is required to change.  Classrooms are a garden for learning. It is in the classroom that the seeds of talent, creativity, and originality are sowed so they can be reaped once students graduate. While technology and other innovations are making their way into management education, this change is not at par with developments in the workforce.

An effort is being made by all educational institutions to adopt and embrace innovative methods of instruction to increase the engagement especially in management education. 

An effective educator can transform the learning experience into one of joy, exploration, and growth. 

Let us look at some measures the best business schools in India have taken to adapt to the changing times:

Augment learning with technology 

With the rapid pace that technology is taking over the world, its entry into education is no surprise. In the coming years technology is expected to drive education needs, according to Shannon May, co-founder of Bridge International Academies. At such a time it is vital to understand how technology can supplement the best learning, and not merely be utilized to increase the number of latest smart devices students have access to. 

Online learning isn’t meant to cure education issues or even replace the human element in learning. Its role is contained to enabling students access to new skill training. When this is combined with curriculum and training provided by B-schools, it results in powerful learning. 

Focus on industry-relevant programs   

To reduce the employment-education gap and thrive in the current market, students are opting for relevant competency-focused programs. This shift requires an unbundling of degree offerings with an inevitable innovation drive. So far the system of traditional education that is in place, offers a rather heavy-handed, ‘sit-down and read, be quiet’ approach, which leaves a lot to be desired with regards to innovation as per website Fast Company. For degrees to become more than mere certifications, programs are being upgraded into more robust ones. This equips students to become a global currency for potential employers.

Flipped classrooms

This model of learning emphasises on student initiative and agency. Students are active participants in the learning process. They are expected to familiarise themselves with a topic at home and build on that knowledge in the classroom. Teachers provide students with learning material which is to be used for independent study. 

Technology has a significant part to play in this method of learning. At home students can learn from video lectures, and other academic resources from the internet. Once they are in class, they present their learnings that is followed by a discussion facilitated by the teacher. Implementing such a learning practice allows students to develop presentation and debating skills which are critical in the management industry. Teachers also note that when the onus of learning is placed on students, there is a remarkable increase in the levels of interest and deep learning occurs. Students also perform much better in assessments. The methodology of flipped classrooms, promotes intentional learning in students which is a lifelong skill. 

Learning for Entrepreneurship

Management schools often focus on enabling future business managers to work in blue-chip companies. The curriculum largely references case studies aligned with multinational organizations. 

Only recently has the subject of entrepreneurship been taught as a specialisation or an elective subject. In the past it was given lesser weight and importance compared to other business subjects. Management institutes of the 21st century cannot afford to continue teaching with this mindset. 

At their beginning, management institutes were established to train managers, not entrepreneurs. Only being trained for management doesn’t cut it in the highly saturated markets we’re operating in. When students are trained for entrepreneurship their learning goes beyond understanding how to tackle problems. They develop the skill of navigating unknown problems, problems that cant be planned for. This requires an advanced skill set that isn’t touched upon in the ambit of traditional business management education.

Original thinking, curiosity, creativity, and risk-taking are qualities that guarantee success in any field of business, and shouldn’t be reserved only for an elective. Entrepreneurial thinking is in high demand today, and most B-schools invite entrepreneurs to provide practical aspects of business knowledge to students.


Collaboration is the driving force of all enterprises and a highly valuable skill in a globalised business environment. This important skill can be fostered in business schools by giving students group projects and assignments which require them to bring together their strengths and cognitive diversities.

To offer quality, meaningful, and relevant education, management institutes must adopt teaching practices that align with the evolving business landscape. Business education can no longer offer static knowledge to future business leaders; they are expected to demonstrate mental agility and adaptability to succeed. 


Tamal Datta Chaudhuri

Guest Author Tamal Datta Chaudhuri is the Dean of Calcutta Business School.

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