8 Reasons To Choose MBA In Digital And Telecom Management

The telecom industry has turned upside down and is continuously growing, thanks to digital transformation and technological innovations. According to a report by IBEF, India ranks second in terms of the number of telecom subscriptions, internet, and app downloads globally, with a total subscriber base of 1,183.51 million at the end of March 2019. With digitalization coming into the picture, telecom companies have an opportunity to rebuild their market position and revamp their business systems to create innovative offerings for their customers.

As per a report by Seagate, two-thirds of global CEOs will start focusing on digital strategies to improve customer experience by the end of 2019. With such a revolutionizing wave, there is an increased demand for professionals in this domain. An MBA in Digital and Telecom Management offers exciting career opportunities to students by preparing them to be industry-ready for this revolutionary sector. This programme offers a mix of both technical as well as managerial aspects and is designed to address the growing demand for digitalization of every domain. Here are eight reasons to choose an MBA in Digital and Telecom Management-

Digital Transformation

The telecom sector has witnessed an immense shift after digital transformation swept in. The industry went from being functionary suppliers to innovators.  As per a report by Smart Insights, 34% of companies have already undergone a digital transformation. The rise of omnichannel contact centers, 5G, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things have altered the way we interact with customers by taking communication beyond voice calls to web chats and social media channels. 

Rise of Big Data Analytics

A highly challenging and dynamic industry, it becomes highly imperative for organizations in every sector to make decisions based on extensive data analytics, thereby ensuring the effective use of resources. Big Data optimizes services by analyzing user purchase behavior, user online footprint, ecommerce usage and payment behavior. Not only this, Big data and analytics has been aiding companies with fraud detection and  plugging revenue leakage. Naturally this means an increased demand for managers who understand these technologies.

Need for Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity and telecommunications usually work in close association. As per a recent report from Efficient, 43% of telecom organizations have suffered a DNS-malware based attack. The havoc caused by an attack by cybercriminals could potentially include credit card and ID thefts, damage to the websites, and loss of reputation. Telecom providers can adopt holistic approaches like threat detection and incident response methods to mitigate the perils against their business. As Telecom businesses have transformed to digital services and content providers, this means added responsibility for these organizations.

Demand for Risk Management

With digital transformation and regulations shift, the telecom industry is continually looking for techniques and solutions to streamline their processes in order to reduce organizational risks. In addition to complying with the regulations set by the Governance laws & regulation for privacy and other standards, businesses are required to develop a method for executing cost-effective audits and reduce audit silos to transition their risk and compliance efforts into a structured process. 

Motivating Techno Entrepreneurship

Techno-entrepreneurship is defined as the entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial ventures of both current and new companies operating in technology-intensive settings. Companies are investing in encouraging entrepreneurship within the organization as they need to continuously evolve and come out with new products and services to survive and grow in the current market. An MBA in Digital and Telecom Management is more equipped to understand these technology evolutions.

The Advent Of Next Generation Access Technologies

A Next Generation Network (NGN) is a packet-based network that allows telecommunication services to use multiple broadband and quality of service-enabled technologies. The step towards NGN has already begun to transform the telecom sector from distinct single service markets into converging markets. A per various reports, the Indian telecom equipment sector is estimated to grow from US$ 20 billion in FY16 to US$ 30 billion, with 5G technology poised to launch in some markets later this year.

Develops In-Demand Skills

With the digital revolution and new innovations coming in every day, the opportunities for telecom and digital professionals are only expected to rise positively. An MBA in Digital and Telecom Management equips one with the necessary techno-managerial skills to build successful careers in this domain. Along with technical skills, this programme helps to nurture soft skills like communication, leadership, problem-solving, and social skills that can help one land exciting opportunities. 

Lucrative Opportunities

The telecom industry is expected to grow exponentially with the advent of new technologies like 5G, AI, IoT, AR/VR, and many more. Such rapid growth in the industry is presumed to create high-paying job opportunities in the sector. Furthermore, an MBA in the same adds value to one's career by enhancing their skills, thereby opening doors to these lucrative job profiles in some of the top-notch companies.

The ever-evolving innovations in the telecom industry will put the sector in a more robust state to profit from the next wave of digitalization, while also ensuring the benefits for other areas and society. An exciting time for both the industry and students, an MBA in Digital and Telecom Management helps develop the most in-demand skills in the students through its dynamic curriculum.


Abhijit Chirputkar

Guest Author The author is the Director of Symbiosis Institute of Digital and Telecom Management (SIDTM).

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