
Sumit Kumar


Sumit Kumar is currently overseeing the operations of NETAP is a Public Private Partnership of Teamlease Skills University, CII and NSDC under the National Employability Enhancement Mission (NEEM) of the Ministry of HRD (AICTE). Prior to TeamLease he was associated with Monster India as their regional manager.

Latest Articles By Sumit Kumar

Rethinking India's Digital Infrastructure And Skill Policy To Embrace Innovation For The Future

The informality in the skilling system impacts productivity. Only 7 per cent of the workforce undergoes structured training, compared to 84 per cent in China, 75 per cent in Germany, and about 70 per cent in the US and Australia.

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Apprenticeships Paving Way To Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is a driver for socio-economic growth and apprenticeship complements the entire process. But not many apprentices turn out to be entrepreneurs or even aspire to be one. The reason is lack of exposure and relevant knowledge.

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Learn By Doing’ And ‘Earn While Learning’ Will Be The Future Of India

In today’s era, one needs to choose the right kind of academic training clubbed with specialized training to become more competitive and employable. Higher education has always been and continues to be an important agenda for the majority of aspirants.

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Top 5 Employability Trends That Students Need

Today, in the employment scenario, the demand for skills and capabilities prevails over basic qualification. Employers are focusing more and more on the skilled workforce and hence students should also focus on learning courses that are a combination of both in - school learning as well as on – ground training as this will help them get jobs. To further augment this trend, educational institutions have been partnering with industry bodies and corporates in order to re-align their learning ecosystem and produce a job-ready workforce.

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Eight Reasons To Become An Apprentice

While India aims to be skill capital of the world, an apprenticeship can make you global professional

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Let's Make Our Students Employable

The continued focus on primary and secondary education which is mostly dominated by classroom education is critical but the government should also stress on ‘employability’.

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