Eight Reasons To Become An Apprentice

Higher education is no longer the sole step in the ladder to have a professional career. Today’s jobs need skills more than the qualification. Not everyone is good in academics, and not everybody can afford a higher education due to socioeconomic circumstances. But it should not devoid them to have a formal job and an opportunity to earn decent wages. Apprenticeships are the best available options to the youth to start a career, but the social stigma attached to it makes it not a preferred option. kids in the Western world prefer Apprenticeship as it has its sets of merits to make and even fast-track careers. 

Why should youth in India take up apprenticeship? The context remains same as rest of the world, skills help one to not only catapult your career but also prepares you for global job opportunities. Here are the top 10 reasons for the youth to consider an apprenticeship as the starting point of their career.

Great start to a professional career - Employers preferring experienced people instead of fresh candidates. Many young individuals often find themselves in catch 22 situation wherein they have no experience no job, no job no experience. Apprenticeship offers a platform to earn an opening balance of experience in the desired field which can help you get the job of your interest.

Earning while Learning - Apprenticeships offer a great system by which you can earn a decent income whilst undergoing studies. Minimum wages are assured to the apprentice which could be an average of Rs. 7500 depending on the state and the trade in which apprenticeship is being done.

Apprenticeships are a substitute to University – There is a social stigma to apprenticeship and often there is a debate as to which is a better option- attending University or taking up an apprenticeship. The answer is to opt for what your inclination is and what suits the situation. If you aren’t academically sound and have a financial constraint, opt for an apprenticeship over University. You start training in a real work environment, gain experience and skills which can later lead to a career.

Gain practical training and relevant experience – apprenticeships allow you to work in real work environment gaining relevant practical experience. Training is on-the-job which help acquire capabilities required to be an actual job.

Great option for school dropouts – The school dropout rate increases as a children go to higher classes. Between First to fifth class dropout rate is 27%, first to Eight is 50% and First to Tenth is 62%. Apprenticeship is the best platform available for these school dropouts to make a formal professional career as it helps them acquire capabilities, skills, and experience to become employable in the working world.

No Cost – there isn’t a cost involved in taking up an apprenticeship, no fees to be paid for the training.

A range of Choice – Historically apprenticeships was for the manufacturing industry, but today one can take up an apprenticeship in any functional area and in any industry. 

Support available – apprenticeship offers support and guidance in shaping up the skills of an individual and transforming into capabilities to become employable. 

Anyone can become an apprentice – as long as you are above 18 years (in some trades even as young as 14 years), you can be an apprentice. You need not have to undergo full-time education to undergo an apprenticeship.

High wage premium and fast-track career – studies have shown that a skilled worker tends to earn about 40%  in about 5-8 years of career as compared to a qualified worker. Being apprentice is an advantage to earn more and progress faster in a career.


Sumit Kumar

Guest Author Sumit Kumar is currently overseeing the operations of NETAP is a Public Private Partnership of Teamlease Skills University, CII and NSDC under the National Employability Enhancement Mission (NEEM) of the Ministry of HRD (AICTE). Prior to TeamLease he was associated with Monster India as their regional manager.

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