Underrated No More-4 Emerging and Highly Lucrative Career Choices

Until a few years back, the thought of earning a living from doing such stuff would have brought out gasps of disbelief, frowns and derisive laughter. But a rapidly developing Indian economy, an emerging affluent class and a great exposure to different kinds of professions have led to the gradual proliferation of certain jobs previously underrated.

Although far more conventional than the ones mentioned above, following are certain professions which have gradually climbed the popularity charts and are proving to be highly attractive career choices:

1. Psychology: One of the most upcoming fields, Psychology is here to stay, and for good reason. It is best for people who have a desire to help people, as well as earn well. The increasing population, and globalization has made psychologists needed to manage, and understand human behavior in every space, be it industrial, personal or social.
a. Required Skills: Choose any stream in class 12th with or without Psychology and graduation in Psychology.
b. Where: Delhi University, Banaras Hindu University, Jamia-Millia Islamia and Christ University provide graduate as well as undergraduate courses in Psychology.
c. How much: Psychologists earn anywhere from INR 40-60k on an average depending upon their education and experience at the start of their career.

2. Hotel Management: Hotel management, for long has been perceived as a career involving, preparation of, and serving food in restaurants, when in reality, it is so much more than that. A degree in hotel management, entitles one to work in the most lavish of settings, and travel extensively, though it is a very high-pressure job.
a. Requirement: 12th in any discipline or bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
b. Where: Institute of Hotel Management, ITC welcome group, Oberoi STEP program are some of the premier institutes.
c. How Much: Professionals in this sphere start off with 25 – 30K, but remuneration grows rapidly with experience.

3. Social Work: Social Work is not considered “Work” in India. It is not a career per say, just a hobby, according to most people. But people who have enough experience will tell you that is a great and exciting career option for individuals who want to bring changes in the society and earn handsomely too.
a. Requirement: Choose any stream in Class 12th and complete graduation in social work/psychology. To be a social worker, one needs at least a master’s degree in social work from a recognized University.
b. Where: TISS, Delhi School of Social Work, College of Social Work, Mumbai are some of the best institutes.
c. How Much: Social Workers earn about INR 25-40k per month and more, depending upon their skill and experience at the start of their career.

4. Veterinary Science: Veterinary Doctors are very much in demand due to people realizing the importance of animal health. The government has made a huge investment in the form of the National Livestock Policy for improving this sector. Perfect for people passionate about animals!
a. Required Skills: Choose PCB in class 12th and pursue Bachelors and Masters in Veterinary Science.
b. Where: College of Veterinary Science, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, and DECCAN College of Medical Science.
c. How much: Vets can earn anywhere between INR 20-60k depending upon their experience and popularity at the start of their career

With the technological and intellectual revolution on a rise, jobs are being generated rapidly across industries, and this is the time for unorthodox thinkers to flourish. All they need to do is just identify a path and walk to its very depths, continuously enhancing their skill and knowledge on the way.


Guest Author Prateek Bhargava is the Founder & CEO of MINDLER

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