Our Students Are Empowered To Tailor Their Educational Odyssey

Abhay G Chebbi, Pro Chancellor, Alliance University, talks about his holistic approach to education and how the university is imbibing latest technology for the benefit of students
Abhay G Chebbi

How does the vision of Alliance University align with what the NEP states?

Alliance University's educational vision harmoniously converges with the fundamental tenets outlined in the National Education Policy (NEP), reflecting a dedication to excellence and innovation. Central to our educational ethos is the acknowledgment and nurturing of each student's distinct capabilities. We champion a dynamic learning milieu, wherein students are empowered to tailor their educational odyssey, erasing rigid demarcations between disciplines, activities and vocational pursuits. This holistic pedagogical approach resonates with the NEP's advocacy for interdisciplinary learning, fostering the cultivation of a well-rounded skill set among students.

Our institution stands as a beacon of research prowess, with our faculty actively spearheading pioneering research endeavours spanning various domains. Noteworthy contributions include seminal works such as 'Enhancing Student Engagement in Online Learning through Facial Expression Analysis and Complex Emotion Recognition using Deep Learning' and 'The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Algorithms for Energy Efficiency Applications', among others.

A commitment to perpetual evolution underscores our curriculum design and instructional methodologies, ensuring alignment with emergent educational paradigms. Faculty members serve as catalysts in the educational journey, assuming roles as mentors and exemplars who ignite inspiration and fortitude within students, nurturing them to emerge as trailblazers in their respective spheres. Moreover, we prioritise the integration of technology into our educational framework, equipping students with indispensable digital proficiencies requisite for success in the contemporary milieu.

Robust digital learning platforms facilitate seamless course delivery, virtual classrooms and interactive learning resources, fostering flexibility and accessibility to educational materials.

To augment scholarly endeavours, our institution has embraced digital transformation, digitising library resources to furnish students and faculty with an extensive repository of digital literature, journals and research databases. Complementing this endeavour, virtual laboratory environments have been meticulously crafted to cater to disciplines necessitating hands-on experimentation, affording students immersive practical learning experiences irrespective of physical constraints. Harnessing the power of data analytics, we leverage sophisticated tools to decipher academic performance metrics, discern patterns and offer tailored academic support to students. Insights gleaned through data analytics inform targeted interventions aimed at enhancing student success rates and bolstering retention.

With a steadfast commitment to both indigenous ethos and global preparedness, Alliance University endeavours to mould students into adept global citizens poised to excel academically, professionally and ethically, thereby fostering constructive societal impact. Through active alignment with the NEP's visionary blueprint, we strive to imbue students with the acumen and resilience requisite for navigating the complexities of the modern world.


How does the university prepare its students for 21st Century world of work? What makes the university stand apart from other new-age higher education institutes?

At Alliance University, preparing students for the dynamic demands of the 21st-century workforce stands as a paramount objective. Our distinctive approach begins with a meticulously curated curriculum, crafted in collaboration with industry stalwarts to ensure alignment with contemporary requisites and endowing graduates with indispensable skills.

What sets us apart is our commitment to industry relevance, evident in our array of industry-led courses and robust Centres of Excellence (COEs), which furnish students with supplementary certifications and immersive experiential learning opportunities. Through internships, case studies and industry projects, including unique social internships integrated into engineering & technology programmes, we fortify graduate employability by fostering real-world applicability of knowledge.

Moreover, we cultivate a culture of innovation and global acumen through interdisciplinary collaboration, enabling students to adopt a holistic perspective and thrive amidst evolving paradigms. International study avenues, student-driven research initiatives, global internships, and enriching masterclasses delivered by eminent practitioners amplify global exposure, broadening horizons and instilling the agility necessary for success on a global scale. Our robust industry affiliations ensure that our educational offerings and research endeavours remain at the vanguard of industry expectations, perpetually evolving to meet the exigencies of the professional landscape.

Going beyond conventional paradigms, the university nurtures entrepreneurial acumen, empowering students to transcend the role of mere employees and emerge as dynamic creators and problem-solvers. Student-led research endeavours and flagship conferences such as ASICON and AllianceONE serve as catalysts for fostering innovation and instilling a sense of ownership and agency among students.

Our recent accolade, clinching the top spot in the National Sustainability Impact Institution's Ranking (NSIIR) by AIC-RAISE of the Atal Innovation Mission, serves as a testament to our dedication to excellence and sustainability in higher education. This recognition underscores our holistic approach to education, which encompasses the integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the curriculum, robust student engagement initiatives, impactful research endeavours, sustainable campus operations, community outreach endeavours, strategic collaborations, meticulous monitoring and visionary leadership. This not only reaffirms our steadfast commitment to upholding exemplary standards but also underscores our dedication to nurturing responsible future leaders equipped with the acumen and ethos to effect positive change. Embedded within our curriculum, the principles of academic rigour, collaboration and excellence in transformative education (ACE) serve as guiding beacons, setting Alliance University apart as a trailblazer in the contemporary educational landscape.


What is the research thrust at Alliance University and what are the industry linkages that have been fostered?

At Alliance University, our research ethos is deeply rooted in addressing national imperatives and industry requisites, catalysing impactful collaborations that yield transformative outcomes. Through our Centres of Excellence (COEs), we cultivate a culture of rigorous and empirically driven inquiry, forging symbiotic partnerships with industry frontrunners across diverse domains. Joint research ventures synergise academic prowess with industry insights, ensuring the translation of our findings into actionable solutions.

The Alliance Centre for Leadership and Public Policy exemplifies our innovative approach, serving as a hub for rigorous research, advanced professional development and the cultivation of leadership acumen. Focussed on domains encompassing law, justice and human rights, this centre endeavours to elevate leadership paradigms and fortify community resilience through cutting-edge methodologies.

Similarly, the Alliance Centre for Media Studies and Research stands as a testament to our commitment to excellence in media education and journalism. Empowering students with the skills requisite for navigating the intricate terrain of contemporary media, this centre imparts knowledge spanning traditional and digital platforms, thereby shaping future media professionals adeptly.

In a pioneering interdisciplinary initiative, the Alliance Centre for Living Consciousness amalgamates ancient Indian insights on consciousness with modern scientific methodologies. By bridging subjective wisdom with objective inquiry, this centre seeks to unravel the mysteries of consciousness, transcending conventional boundaries and enriching our understanding of human experience.

Our research endeavours have borne fruit in the form of groundbreaking innovations, such as the Digital Holographic Microscopy (DHM) technique, co-developed in collaboration with esteemed organisations like Intel Corporation in Ireland and a Singapore-based oil company. This technology, vital for biomedical imaging and optical metrology, underscores our commitment to technological innovation and knowledge dissemination.

Moreover, our research initiatives extend to realms such as low-light imaging CNN classifiers for 3D scene reconstruction, with applications enhancing image analysis tasks even in challenging environments. Collaborations with international partners, including Kobe University in Japan, enrich our research landscape, exemplified by ongoing work on photon counting imaging techniques for rapid 3D fluorescence computational imaging. Financial support from prestigious entities like the Department of Science and Technology's (DST) Scientific and Engineering Research Grant (SRG) and the India-Japan Science and Technology Cooperation (DST-JSPS) underscores our commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and technological innovation on a global scale.

Additionally, our AU Technology Business Incubator (TBI) Centre plays a pivotal role in nurturing innovation and entrepreneurship, providing critical resources to startups across diverse domains. Currently incubating 10 startups this initiative demonstrates our dedication to bridging the gap between academic research and real-world applications. With a focus on fields ranging from AI/ML to Electric Vehicle Technology, our TBI facilitates the translation of academic research into real-world applications, fostering scientific advancement and economic growth.


AI has impacted all walks of life, including education. What shifts are you noticing and also how to prepare the faculty and students for the changes that are just beginning to come about?

Artificial Intelligence has become a game-changer in every aspect of life, including education and Alliance University is leading the charge in embracing this transformative journey. Leveraging AI's potential, we're pioneering personalised learning experiences through AI-powered adaptive learning systems, which customise educational materials according to each student's strengths and requirements. Furthermore, we're exploring AI's capabilities to automate tasks like grading, empowering faculty to provide more nuanced feedback efficiently.

To prepare for this evolving educational landscape, we prioritise faculty development programmes focussed on integrating AI tools into teaching methodologies and enhancing course design to engage students effectively.

Simultaneously, we're infusing AI concepts into our academic programmes to equip students with essential skills for the AI-driven future.

Our curriculum offers diverse programmes such as AI in Materials Engineering, BTech in AI and Data Science, BTech in AI and ML, BTech in Data Analytics, BCA (Honors) in AI and ML and BCA (Honors) in Data Science. To ensure inclusivity, we've implemented measures like proctor assessments and assistive technologies such as text-to-speech to cater to the diverse needs of our student body. Our empowering coding initiative, Code Tantra, provides resources for coding enthusiasts at all levels, fostering skill development in coding and computer programming. Furthermore, our faculty's noteworthy research contributions in AI applications have been showcased at international conferences like AICAAM 2019 and ICAIA, followed by the IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2022 and its Applications (ICAIA) in April 2022.

Under the Alliance School of Liberal Arts, we recently organised the AI & Society Confest (March 1-3), a three-day event featuring renowned speakers and thought-provoking discussions on AI's impact on various aspects of society, including media, warfare, design and mental health. The confest also featured captivating AI art installations that resonated with industry professionals and the public alike. By actively embracing AI, Alliance University is establishing itself as a pioneer in preparing students for the future's demands. We provide a comprehensive and future-focussed experience that equips students and faculty with the knowledge, skills and critical thinking necessary to thrive in an AI-driven world.


There is much discussion about international rankings and why Indian universities and higher education institutes hardly make it in top 100 or 200. What is your take on this? And also, what are the strengths of our institutes, that the world can learn from us?

The absence of Indian universities in the top tiers of international university rankings is a topic of much discussion. While improving our global standing is desirable, it's vital to recognise that these rankings shouldn't be the sole measure of an institution's quality. International rankings often emphasise factors like academic reputation, research output and faculty-to-student ratio. However, a significant weight is placed on international diversity, measured by the number of international students and faculty. This metric can disadvantage Indian universities, as student mobility often favours Western nations. Furthermore, some rankings define ‘foreign faculty’ based on citizenship at birth, which might include academics who built careers in India after completing PhDs abroad. While this contributes to ethnic diversity, it doesn't necessarily reflect true academic diversity of thought.

Our focus should shift towards developing core strengths that benefit both our institutions and the nation. This includes fostering a culture of robust research that addresses global challenges, creating impactful educational outreach programmes that address local and regional needs and collaborating on effective education policy development. Strengthening the entire education system, from primary to higher education, is crucial to create a well-rounded and globally competitive workforce. This will ultimately lead to the development of highly skilled human capital that can thrive in the globalised world, regardless of geographical boundaries. Improved international rankings might follow as a byproduct of this focus on substance, but the true measure of success lies in our ability to equip future generations to solve real-world problems and contribute meaningfully to society.


Meha Mathur

BW Reporters The author works as Senior Associate Editor with BW Businessworld

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