“Eupheus Learning: Transforming India’s Education Space”

The bootstrapped startup has been funded by its members only, something which the founders boast about though they are planning to raise around 5 million dollars in a fresh round of funding. The startup also made name in the Indian education space when it partnered with World Book, Inc., a leading educational publishing and e-learning global company. Jim O’Rourke, President of World Book, Inc. had said on the partnership, “We’re very excited to partner with the Eupheus Learning team to expand our business in India. World Book has recently made a significant investment to expand its editorial core competency and trustworthy content development engine to publish engaging nonfiction content and books for the K-12 market. It is a long-term commitment towards the Indian education sector, and we feel confident to have a partner like Eupheus Learning, their expertise and deep understanding of the Indian curriculum and EdTech segment.

What is Eupheus learning’s main objective? How are you trying to achieve the same?

 We aim to reach out to 10 million kids and improve their learning outcomes by providing age appropriate engaging solutions curated from trustworthy content sources – developed in house; with a partner or a mesh of both.

What is your USP? What is the new thing that you are bringing to the field of education which differentiates you from your competitors?

A seamless integrated approach is our USP where the solution starts from Classroom and ends at home in turn leading to a higher learning outcome for the learner. Solutions are hybrid in nature - Print / Digital ( Online / Offline) based on the need that the solution is addressing and not vice versa, i.e. for a small town school in a Category C we have offline versions of solutions whereas for a top end school in a metro we may provide the same solution in an online avatar.

Can you talk about some of your models for education?

We are talking about O2O (Offline to Online) approach whereas the majority of the companies are doing the opposite. Our strength is the relationships we have with decision makers in schools Pan India; we want to have their trust via offering in class solutions which will in turn transition into at home learning solutions.

 1) Institutional

a) Direct to School

b) School to Students

2) Retail

a) Via Retail Stores (Phase I)

b) Direct to Students (Phase II)

c) Franchisee Centres (Phase II)

Please tell us about your collaborations/JVs. Please include names of the collaborations you think need a mention.

 a) World Book Inc. (USA): Reference solutions in print and digital form

 b) Sanako (Finland): Language Learning digital solution in offline and online form

c) Fiction Express (Spain): Reading program in form of Live books where students vote for the next chapter of the book to be written by the author

d) Cubetto (UK): Coding program for kids via wooden robot (no digital screen intervention needed)

e) Wizefloor (Denmark): Kinaesthetic learning program for kids through Interactive floor

There are other interesting solutions that we are bringing from various countries, the agreements are being finalized so we will disclose about them at the appropriate time.

Please let us know about your funding? Would need the numbers.

We are a team of 65 people where the majority of the team has invested to start the venture together – everyone is a stakeholder in the company. We have raised close to a million dollars from the promoters, team, friends and family.

Also do let us know about your investments, marketing strategy and future plans?

We shall be raising close to five million dollars in the next twelve to eighteen months for executing our plan.

Have you approached any school with your models?

We are in advanced talks with decision makers at schools and curricular purchases happen between Dec – March. Reference and supplemental solutions have started being adopted in initial schools in Delhi NCR, Hyderabad, Baru Sahib, etc.

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