Principles Of Coaching

Coaching is a transformational journey of self-discovery that translates into personal and professional excellence. However, only some know what coaching really entails. The fluid nature of coaching allows for misinterpretation and misapplication of the term. Here is an outline of 10 principles that define the broad contours of coaching:

Coaching is universal in application:  Coaching is about maximising individuals' personal and professional potential. Anyone anywhere can use coaching to achieve their dreams and goals. Thus, coaching is for all. 

Coaching differs from mentoring, guiding, leading, therapy and counseling: Coaching does incorporate some best practices of these disciplines. But unlike them, coaching enables the client to be the solution-generator, which is truly empowering.

Coaching is transformational: Coaching is not a band aid job that caters to the superficial symptoms of an issue. Coaching is an orbit-shifting experience that creates life-altering changes at the core of the individual. This holistic transformation reflects in all aspects of the client’s life, thus making the ROI from coaching unquantifiable. That is why ‘Coaching is bigger than coaching,’ as Sir John Whitmore said.

Coaching is about the process: Coaching is not about the coach, nor even the coachee/client.  This is because the client-centric coaching process is designed to yield transformational results independent of who the coach is. So remember, the process is king, not the coach.

Coaching is not by chance: Coaching comes to the coachee when they are ready, even if at a subconscious level, for a transformational shift.

Bill Campbell, the Trillion Dollar Coach, said, "The traits that make a person coachable include honesty and humility, the willingness to persevere and work hard and a constant openness to learning." These traits arise when there is an internal pull or willingness at a very holistic level.

Coaching is sacred: The relationship between the coach and the coachee is sacred. The coach has a big responsibility to uphold the highest standards of the profession elucidated by the ICF code of ethics. For example, giving advice or recommending actions in a coaching conversation and in the relationship is not ok. Only then can ‘maximising the potential’ happen. 

Coaching is not cognitive: Coaching is an intuitive process that taps into the subtle wisdom of the higher consciousness. It involves empathy, listening at all four levels, and deepening the coaching presence. So an aspiring coach must park aside all conscious knowledge from the cognitive space propelled by the misplaced ego and instead sharpen their intuitive abilities.

Humility and readiness to learn are prerequisites for a coach: ‘By choosing to become a coach, we commit ourselves to a lifelong learning journey.’ We improve the more we learn, practice, mentor other coaches and remain reflective. And ‘all learning can happen only from a position of humility.’ All this is part of the coaching mindset that every coach must have to be effectively impactful.

Both nature and nurture shape good coaches: Coaches are not born or made. They are a combination of both and then some more. Life experiences and training both shape a coach. That’s why it’s said that it takes an entire ecosystem to make a coach.

Clarity on the ‘why’ of coaching is essential to be a great coach:  Coaching is a calling. It is an opportunity to live one’s purpose, which is empowering another. The spotlight is on the client all the way.  A coach who knows why they are into coaching can better serve the client to connect with their ‘why’ and co-create the same through the coaching process. 

These 10 principles explain the essence of coaching for the coachee and the coach. If you are planning on being either, then knowing these principles will help you make an informed choice regarding coaching as an intervention or a profession. 


Subash CV

Guest Author The author is Executive & Leadership Coach, Founder - Regal Unlimited

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