JMI Launches Short Term Training Programme

Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) has commenced a three-week Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), organised by the Department of Computer Engineering

The Department of Computer Engineering has launched a three-week Short-Term Training Programme (STTP) on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Jamia Millia Islamia. The programme started on July, 1 and will run till July, 22. The programme has received an overwhelming response from 792 applicants, with 151 selected on a first-come, first-served basis. The programme is being organised by Bashir Alam and Dr Sarfaraz Masood.

The inaugural function at FTK-CIT, JMI was attended by Mohammad Shakeel as Chief Guest, M N  Doja as Guest of Honour and D K Lobiyal as Key Note Speaker. The event was attended by Mohammad Shakeel, Officiating Vice Chancellor and Doja, Director of Indian Institute of Technology.

Mohammad Shakeel in his address motivated the participants, students of B.Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D. and faculty members to design and develop cheap and the best AI-driven systems and applications for innovative initiatives in healthcare, education, agriculture, e-governance, defense and other public services to make the life of common citizens more comfortable, easy and safe.

M N Doja in his address highlighted the current trends of  Artificial Intelligence and its applications in different areas and AI tools for research.

D K Lobiyal emphasised the importance of AI , ML and the development of LLM and Chat GPT.

Bashir Alam, in his opening remarks, gave a glimpse of the training programme and said that the participants will be skilled in the field of AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, NLP, LLM and Data Science.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Tanvir Ahmad, Department of Computer Engineering.

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