IIITD Inguarates Medical Cobotics Centre To Foster Innovation In Healthcare

iHub Anubhuti-IIITD Foundation (Technology Innovation Hub of IIIT-Delhi) and iHub Foundation for Cobotics (IHFC, Technology Innovation Hub of IIT Delhi) have inaugurated their joint medical facility, ‘MCC-Medical Cobotics Centre’ on the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Delhi campus on Friday.

The centre will cater to the training requirements of all the intern doctors, medical experts and para-medical staff for their regular practice on robotics, using AR/VR, AI, cobotics, robotics, cognitive sciences, etc. 

This path-breaking initiative aims to establish a strong synergy between doctors and technical experts to robust Indian healthcare. 

The pandemic is an apparent as well as recent example where the collaboration of healthcare with technology saved many lives, while India also experienced some loopholes that need to be filled up. 

The training programs, from basic to advanced, will be designed in consultation with leading doctors and experts, mainly drawn from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).

The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, has funded this joint facility to be operated by iHub Anubhuti and IHFC under the NMICPS mission. While interacting with media, Dr. Akhilesh Gupta, Secretary, SERB and Senior Advisor, DST,  Union Government highly emphasised the need to connect Indian healthcare with advanced technology. 

Dr. Gupta also underlined the existing disconnect between doctors and engineers that will be settled by this kind of collaboration. 

MCC will also help doctors and medical experts to be prepared psychologically to deal with the conditions found in trauma centres of hospitals by creating artificial stimulation. 

He added, “India, where we are going to have interdisciplinary collaboration, doctors are working with engineers, engineers working with scientists, scientists working in different areas will help to optimise our efficiencies, Prime Minister also talk about working of different disciplines together.”

Health is a fundamental requirement of every citizen and adjoining it with technology might amplify its cost, in regard to the same, Dr Gupta said, “Government hospitals are including their outdoor facilities with the help of technology like the way registration has been done. So, that is the place where one has both affordability and access, policies like Ayushman Bharat escalate the range of affordability and make cheaper healthcare accessible to citizens across the country.”

Government officials, top medical practitioners, and industry partners from TCS, AIIMS, Apollo, Max Healthcare and many more illustrious people related to the medical fraternity graced the opening ceremony and explored the various offerings of this one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art facility.

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