Cultivating India's Nextgen Innovator

Can you tell us about the specific STEM education solution or project that earned you the "STEM Education Solution of the Year" award? What inspired you to develop this solution and what impact has it had on students and educators?

White Canvas India, Young CEO Programme is the largest structured physical and online programme which develops future ready skills, entrepreneurial, marketing, leadership and social skills, problem identification, problem solving, design thinking, idea to execution, growth mindset and resilience amongst teenagers.

The programme is strongly recommended by the Director, Niti Aayog, Innovation director, GoI, First Mission Director, Niti Aayog along with COO - Invest India and 800 leading educators across the country.

The inspiration to develop the solution is:

· India needs job creators and not job seekers to meet the 5 trillion USD goal of the Prime Minister.

· Seeding of entrepreneurial skills has to be at the teenage level scientifically proven.

· Young CEO programme is a seeding of skills for life creating the new age future ready teenager.

One of the challenges in STEM education is ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all students, regardless of their background or abilities. How does your solution address these challenges and promote diversity and equity in STEM learning?

Addressing this issue requires physical presence across the nation and multilingual delivery capabilities. Boys and girls should participate equally.

What inputs go into aligning the ed-tech services that you offer with what students need? What kind of assessment is done to understand the students' needs?

Real-time analysis and feedback mechanisms, help us assess the students' needs.

With AI making deep inroads at every level, what will be the impact on teaching-learning and how to ensure that the creativity of students doesn't get impacted? What is your approach towards incorporating AI in learning?

Natural intelligence prevails over AI in building a skill as well as AI impacts in solutioning.

How can the digital divide be bridged across the country?

The mindset needs to change amongst educators. If educators begin to realise the importance of doing things in a new way, then White Canvas India is ready to help bridge the digital divide.

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