BIMTECH Leads €790K EU Mission To Boost Circular Economy Skills In South Asia

BIMTECH spearheads a €790K EU-funded project to establish Digi-SUSTEACH centres, enhancing circular economy skills and education across South Asia with international collaboration from Finland, Austria, India and Thailand

Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH), Greater Noida, spearheads an effort to advance circular economy ideas across South Asia via the EU-funded KODECET project.

The project, ‘Knowledge Development for Circular Economy Transition (KODECET),’ brings together distinguished faculty members from six partner institutions: University of Jyväskylä (Finland), FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH (Austria), BIMTECH (India), NIRMA University (India), Prince of Songkla University (Thailand) and Payap University (Thailand). Bhavesh Sarna from the University of Jyväskylä leads this international project, while Veenu Sharma from BIMTECH spearheads it as the National Lead from India. Faculty members from BIMTECH participating include K. K. Upadhyay; Prateek Jain; Anupama Singh and Svadha Rai.

Launched in January 2024, the project aims to establish four Digi-SUSTEACH centres to enhance the instructional capacity of university faculty, students and early-stage professionals in Sustainable and Circular Economy (SACE). These centres will function as digital hubs for teaching and research, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to provide world-class training and develop comprehensive SACE courses with diverse learning materials.

Initiated under the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) leadership, the project aims to integrate SACE principles into the core curriculum of higher education institutions. The inaugural Kick-Off meeting on January 22, 2024, at Payap University in Thailand marked the beginning of this collaborative effort among partner universities across Finland, Austria, India and Thailand. The project aims to develop a SACE-skilled workforce for a better business and environmental future.

Veenu Sharma (Project National Lead); Pankaj Priya (Deputy Director, BIMTECH); K K Updhyay (Project Member); Prabiina Rajib (Director, BIMTECH); Bhavesh Sarna (Project Lead, University of Jyväskylä); Prateek Jain (Project Member); Anupama Singh (Project Coordinator); Svadha Rai ((Project Manager)

The €790,010.00 EU-funded KODECET project signifies a major step forward for circular economy education and research in India. This 36-month collaboration among six partners from four countries fosters international collaboration and paves the way for innovation in the field. The Digi-SUSTEACH centres are key to achieving the project's goals. These digital hubs for circular economy teaching and research will be equipped with cutting-edge technology to provide world-class training. They will house comprehensive circular economy courses featuring diverse learning materials to cater to various learning styles.

To achieve its ambitious goals, the project will train 20 faculty members who will then educate 120 students on circular economy principles. Additionally, a social media hackathon will engage students and raise awareness. Further strengthening the initiative, NIRMA University will design intensive workshops to equip faculty members with the necessary skills to effectively teach circular economy concepts. FH JOANNEUM University will develop courses covering waste management, resource efficiency and sustainable business models – all crucial aspects of the circular economy. Prince of Songkla University plays a key role in establishing the Digi-SUSTEACH centres. These centres, equipped with advanced computing systems, interactive learning platforms and simulation software, will provide an immersive learning experience. Finally, Payap University takes the vital role of disseminating information about the project. They will ensure the project's goals and achievements reach a wider audience, promoting greater adoption of circular economy principles.

The KODECET project, with its focus on education and collaboration, is building a strong educational framework for circular economy principles. By empowering educators and students with advanced tools and resources, the project aims to drive a sustainable transformation across South Asia and beyond.

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